Saturday, July 28, 2012

Flying Frogs

Court Date

The brave frogs are flying. That's right, we received our court date.  It's on Thursday, Aug. 9th. We are due in Accra on the 7th to MEET the twins. This means we have to leave on the 5th. We go to Atlanta, then Amsterdam, and finally Accra arriving late the night of the 6th. On the 7th we will finally get to meet the children. This trip is to adopt them and on the 9th they will legally be our children to shower with love. Jena will be a mommy in only 10 days. We do not, however, get to bring them back. They still have to be naturalized by the USCIS and that means another 4-6 weeks before we can go back and get them. Even so, we can't wait to hold their little bodies and kiss their little cheeks.

Foster Home

They have moved to a foster home, and yesterday we received some new photos and new medical reports. The foster family lives in Accra and one of them is a nurse so we are very happy to have her available for them. We aren't sure whether this is a family or a foster home that has other children yet.

Here's the foster home family:

We are very grateful for their help in taking care of Nala and Noah. They've been with the family for about a week now and they've taken them both to the hospital and had complete blood work done for them. We are thrilled to have such wonderful people watching over Noah and Nala.


We received new photos! They are the cutest little twins we have to say without ANY bias at all. Okay, maybe a little.

Here they are socializing in the laps of their care takers. Noah is out growing Nala now. Hard to see here, but her socks say "Heart Breaker" and we know she is. We are thrilled to receive a picture of them together.

Noah is all dressed up and ready to party. We envision that paper to be a one-way plane ticket to Texas...for two.
Look at those eyes! Something surprised Nala maybe it was that little red light on the camera. She's still struggling to fit into her clothes.

Fast and Furious

Though we had all the big stuff taken care of like immunizations and shopping, we didn't envision we'd have only 11 days to prepare. We're zipping around getting everything ready like two little chipmunks getting our winter hibernation nest ready. I'm pretty sure, in fact, I saw Jena's cheeks stuffed with nuts just the other day.

Just to give you an idea, we are packing light for ourselves so we can take as much to the orphanage as we can. We're allowed to take a suitcase and we want to stuff it to the gills with donations to the Royal Seed Needy Home and any where else we can find that needs them. If you live in the area let us know, we'll pack as many clothes, games, toys, and books as they'll allow us to carry. If you're not in the area, we'll be going back and you have time to send us whatever you may choose. Ghana does prefer "new" over "old" because they want the children to have something new when possible, but we'll take anything you might want to send us.

So, we have to get visas, electrical gear to handle the 220V to 120V step down, a water sterilization system (UV Steripen), a medical kit, toys, books, and games for our kids, a picture book of family members to leave for them, and many other items split on two big "TO-DO" lists. 

Whew, we'd write more but we have to get going!!!

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